Nearly Percent of a Baby's Sleep Is Rem

REM Sleep Bike of Your Baby

Your baby may have your eyes or your lips, merely when it comes to sleep, the ii of you are quite unlike.

Slumber might seem rather simple to you lot, but there's a lot more to sleep than simply being "awake" and falling "asleep." Our newborn sleep cycle nautical chart shows the 4 different sleep phases:

Stages of sleep

Rem Sleep Cycle Stage 1

The initial stage we're all familiar with where you can experience yourself globe-trotting off to sleep, but don't really experience like y'all've fallen when your husband is going to sleep on the couch and you nudge him and he says, "I'Thou Non SLEEPING!"

Rem Slumber Cycle Stage 2

Considered the get-go "true sleep" stage. This is where people tend to realize, once woken upwardly, that they had actually gone to sleep.

Rem Sleep Bike Stage 3

The deep and regenerative stage of sleep. Also known as "slow moving ridge" slumber, this is where the trunk starts repairing and rejuvenating the allowed system, muscle tissues, energy stores, and sparks growth and development.

Rem Sleep Cycle Stage four

REM (rapid eye movement) bicycle sleep. This is where the brain starts to kick in and consolidates information and memories from the day before. It's besides the stage of slumber where we do most of our dreaming.

As you can meet below, your own slumber looks much different from the newborn slumber cycle. Yous might be fast asleep from the moment your head hits the pillow, while information technology takes infants longer to drift into a deep sleep than it does for you.

Your baby will first enter a lengthy period of light slumber from which information technology is easy for him or her to awaken.

Adult slumber bike: how you sleep

Adult Sleep Cycle How You Sleep Through The Night Between REM and Deep Sleep

Though y'all both wheel between periods of deep sleep and shorter stints of light REM cycle sleep, your baby does and then many more times throughout the dark. For you, deep sleep can persist upward to xc minutes at a time.

For your baby, it may not last an hour. Therefore, much of his or her sleep is comprised of light sleep, often accounting for more than one-half of their recommended xiii-18 hours of shuteye.

When adults complete a sleep cycle and shift to the next cycle, we might briefly wake upwardly or come up close to waking up. The other difference between our cycles and infant's is that when we're shifting from i cycle to the side by side we might wake up, but we almost immediately fall dorsum to slumber (unless afflicted by slumber disorders).

Call up most how you'll barely wake in the middle of the nighttime and shift positions or open your eyes for a divide second earlier falling asleep over again.

Infants, nonetheless, will wake upwardly during that shift and probably demand your help to get back to sleep. This skill is learned, and until your baby tin can fall back to sleep independently, they won't be able to sleep through the night.

Though these times can vary due to factors like sleep disorders, this baby sleep nautical chart beneath shows how your babe cycles through the stages of sleep much quicker than adults.

Baby's sleep bike: how your baby'due south sleep differs from yours


Newborns and adults take very dissimilar sleep cycles. So, how does your babe'due south sleep bike work?

Our newborn sleep cycle chart shows that newborns (babies 0-three months old), merely experience ii of the four stages of sleep: stage 3 and stage 4, or REM, and spend about half of their fourth dimension comatose in each stage.

These are also known as active sleep and quiet sleep - this is considering your baby may be more than physically active during the former, and more still during the latter.

As a newborn, you were most likely able to rock or nurse your baby to slumber, so put her downwards without her waking.

This is considering she jumps correct into that deep sleep phase. Around 4 months old, your infant will starting time cycling through all 4 stages of slumber, instead of just 2.

From the experts

"When this change takes place, our piffling one moves from 50% REM sleep to 25% in order to make room for those start ii stages. Although REM sleep is lite, it'south non equally lite as these 2 new non-REM sleep stages that they're getting used to. With more time spent in lighter sleep, there's more than of a chance that baby'southward going to wake upward."

- Rachel Turner, Certified Sleep Consultant

As yous can imagine, your infant'south sleep is almost vulnerable when he or she is in light sleep.

Whatever number of things can crusade them to awaken, including hunger, a moisture diaper, changes in temperature, an unfamiliar sound, or his or her ain startle reflex or moro reflex.

Of course, if all is well and your baby is comfortable, he or she might autumn asleep once more within a few minutes.

A reassuring hand or your presence can e'er help them through this vulnerable period without waking. The Zen Swaddle blanket, that mimics your reassuring touch, will definitely aid your babe go from 1 low-cal sleep phase to the next without completely waking upward.

Sweeter Sleep Story

"This swaddle is a sanity saver. I ordered it for my ii calendar month old daughter after trying traditional swaddles and sleep sacks and not being all that satisfied. Inside days of using the Zen Swaddle she went from waking up every 2-3 hours to sleeping six-eight at nighttime. It's amazing!"

- Tasha 1000., 4/20/2018

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While the transition between slumber phases can atomic number 82 to a harrowing night, this light REM sleep is essential for physiological development, physical well-existence and safety. Information technology has even been linked to increased blood flow to the brain, learning and height. Therefore, uninterrupted REM sleep has many benefits.

Aid your newborn slumber through the night

Newborns express their need to autumn asleep by giving several cues; some fuss or cry while some might indicate with gestures such as rubbing their eyes.

Experts say information technology is best to put babies to bed when they are drowsy simply non comatose. That mode they are more than likely to autumn asleep quickly and eventually acquire how to go themselves to slumber.

Newborns can exist taught the deviation between day and night by limiting the action levels, surrounding light and noise levels as night fourth dimension approaches and they need to drift off to slumber.


Some tips to help your baby become to sleep are as follows:

  • Observe your baby's slumber patterns and signs of sleepiness
  • Identify your infant in the crib when drowsy not sleepy
  • Place baby to sleep on his or her back in your favorite swaddle blanket or wear sleeping purse.
  • To ensure a condom sleep environment for your baby remove loose blankets or soft items nearly baby'due south face or caput
  • Add white noise to help your babe fall comatose to familiar sounds in the womb

Yet having trouble getting you little one to sleep? Here are 7 Actionable Steps to Better Sleep for Your Baby.

Mutual questions about babe slumber cycles

  • What is the average REM bike length of a baby'southward sleep?
  • Practise babies feel non-REM sleep?
  • When do babies go into REM slumber?
  • How long is a newborn slumber cycle?
  • How tin I help my babe transition from sleep cycles?
  • At what age practise baby sleep cycles connect?
  • When do baby sleep cycles lengthen?
  • When do babies kickoff to sleep longer than three hours?

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